My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Monday, February 4, 2013

Superbowl Party

As I've said before, we have great friends. And one of these great friends invited us, including Bambam, to their Superbowl party. Lots of food, laughter, a few cocktails, kids running around, the game on the big screen; just lots of fun. 

And Bambam seems to enjoy these gatherings. He still mostly engages in parallel play; but he loves to be in the same play room with the other kids. And he watches what they do. And sometimes he even mimics them. Case in point:

2 of the other little boys (age 6) were dropping little lego men over the balcony to the stairs below. Bambam watched them intently, and then he tossed what he had in his hands over the rail. Unfortunately, he was holding a 15 inch, heavy plastic doll chair. Kuh thud, kuh thud, kuh thud. Luckily, nothing broke, nothing fell off the walls, no one was hurt. 

And because we have awesome friends, no one was mad or upset. They get it. They understand that Bambam was not trying to do anything wrong. They understand that this was his attempt to join in, to interact and play WITH the other boys. As for me, I was even a little proud of that. We celebrate the small steps.

But, I still had to deal with the fact that he threw a large, hard object over the railing to the stairs below where kids were running up and down. So a new rule was instituted: No throwing anything over the railing. Things need to be black and white for Bambam, no exceptions. The other 2 boys shrugged their shoulders and scampered off to find some other mischief. And the party continued, the game played on. No harm, no foul.

I love our friends. 

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