My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Friday, February 22, 2013

The New Guy

We've add a  a new doctor to the line up. He's a developmental psychiatrist specializing in autism and ADHD. Why didn't someone refer him to us years ago? (Actually I know why, he's new to our area.) I think I love this man. He's knowledgeable, practical, caring, and (as he put it) not very PC. I don't know about the rest of you, but I get so sick of all the PC crap. Sometimes my kid acts crazy, totally off his rocker, nuts... and I call it like I see it. So does the new doc. We're going to get along great.

So we started with the typical evaluation appointment. But, being the practical person he is, New Guy didn't even try to put Bambam through the standardized tests. After spending 15 minutes talking to him he realized testing would get him no where. Having 20+ years of experience under his belt, he had no issue giving a diagnosis based on observation, history, and completed diagnostic forms from us and the school. And, he took the diagnostic forms that we filled out in November so we didn't have to do it all over again. Bonus! The result: Autism, ADHD combined type, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder; all severe. But, he said he's be very careful about giving him a diagnosis of an intellectual disability at this point. As he said "its obvious that Bambam understands everything". He feels that his various symptoms and lagging expressive language are getting in the way of his "academic progress". So, intellectual diagnosis will wait.

The next step is refining Bambam's meds. New Guy is convinced we can do better. So we've made a change and we're seeing some amazing results. For the past week, Bambam has been able to spend much more time in his home classroom. He's working with peers without the need of an adult aide, he's using an appropriate "inside" voice, he's not getting overwhelmed in the lunch room or PE or music or at recess. He's having conversations with his peers, appropriate give and take, on topic! Granted, it needs to be a topic he's interested in, but still, this is huge improvement. 

I'm excited about the changes we're seeing and I'm hopeful for a working relationship with a knowledgable doctor. I have high hopes for The New Guy.

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