My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Fortunate One

We are so very fortunate. We are one of the lucky ones. Yes, we live with autism day in and day out. And yes, it can be stressful and overwhelming at times. But we have amazing support. From family, from friends, from teachers and aides and neighbors. The list is long. And every day I'm thankful for each and every one of these people. The teachers who are endlessly patient, the aides who are loving and caring, the doctors who don't dismiss us and listen when we say there is an issue, the friends who include us in their gatherings, their kids who take Bambam as he is and do their best to engage him in their play, grandparents who will babysit anytime...

But, today, at this moment what I'm most thankful for is my amazing sister. I could never do this without her. She is my sounding board, my support, my cheerleader, my adviser. When I call her upset that Bambam can't do the activity the other kids at school were doing, she listens. And then she reminds me what he can do. And that he will do the other things too, in his own time. When I'm on my last nerve, she invites me to her house for an afternoon of "sister time". And if the stars line up and the gods are smiling, maybe, just maybe an overnight sister trip. She sends me mismatched socks in the mail with a picture of the other mismatched socks on her own feet. The note says: When having a very bad day, put on the sister socks and know that I'm standing with you in solidarity. What 49 year old woman does that? One who sees the fear, anxiety, pain, anguish, the overwhelming feelings that can sometimes accompany raising a child with autism. One who knows and understands that mama occasionally needs a break, or she might break. One who loves me unconditionally, no matter what, period. One who's been watching out for me my whole life. I am truly the fortunate one.

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