My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Piece of My Heart

As a mother, I do not have a favorite. I love all my kids. But I am willing to admit that I love them all differently. They are each individuals, different and unique. What I give them, what they need from me, and what they give in return are completely different for each one. This may be due to the fact that we are a unique family. We are not the typical intact family with 2 or 3 typical kids raised from birth. We are a blended family. And a special needs family. All of these things play a role in my relationship with each of my kids.

Miracle Boy and I have a special bond. A bond different than that of the other 2 kids. Not better, or stronger, just different. He and I were alone for 7 years. Yes, Mr. Fixit and I started dating when he was 3, but we didn't reside in the same household until he was 7. During those 7 years, Miracle Boy was my right hand guy. We did everything together. When I went running, he rode his bike along side me. When I painted a room, he "helped" paint; then played with his toys and kept me company. He went grocery shopping with me, learned to mow a yard at a young age, helped decide where we would go on vacation, accompanied me when I went car shopping or looked for a house to buy. His opinion was always considered (although not always deemed correct). Right or wrong, we were in this thing called life together.

And so, when I went with Miracle Boy to get him settled in college, I went with a heavy heart. That child (young adult, but always a child to me) is a part of me. A very special, very huge part. He is my first bird to leave the nest. Watching him fly is both breath taking and heart breaking at the same time. 

I left a piece of my heart in Arizona.

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