My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Living in Fear, the Sequel

I wrote a blog the other day about living in fear. Here's is a perfect example of what I was talking about:

Bambam had practice tonight for Special Olympics golf. He LOVES golf. He would spend all day hitting golf balls, to the point of blisters on his hands. But I'm getting off topic.

Tonight as he was practicing on the driving range, he was hitting his driver. (quite well I might add) and in one swing, the head of his club flew off and landed about 100 feet out into the driving range. He glanced at me for maybe a nono-second before bolting out onto the driving range yelling "I need dat, I need dat! Dat mine!". And my heart about stopped.

Lined up across the driving range were about 20 other special olympians, all adults, hitting balls with various clubs right in the direction of my son. The coaches all started yelling "Stop! No one hit any balls! Stop hitting balls!" as I was sprinting towards Bambam. By the time I got to him, he had the club head firmly in his grib and was looking at me wondering why everyone was freaking out. That kid is fast.

As I dragged him off the range I tried to explain that he couldn't run out there, it was dangerous, he could get hit by golf balls and get hurt. But I'm not sure he understood. He did finally repeat "doan go out dere?" No son, don't go out there.

And people wonder why I have grey hair. I think I need a drink.

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