My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Relief....and an inappropirate reflex laugh

Bambam has been a rockstar this summer. Seriously. He's accomplished many things and reached some major developmental milestones that we were starting to think that he would never reach. One of them being attending a typical day camp with his peers. Yes, he had some extra supports in place, but he's surrounded by his typical peers (whom he learns so much from, good and bad) and he's getting to experience things that his brothers did and enjoyed so much. Its been awesome.

But, when I got a call from the day camp counselor last week, I was immediately nervous. Especially when her conversation started with "there was an incident with a rock today". 

Now, let me back up just a bit. One of Bambamb's things is that when he's done with something, he throws it. No matter what it is. Not maliciously, and not really aiming at anyone, just sort of throws it aside. We've tried and tried to teach him to set things down nicely, or (gasp) even put them away. But to no avail. He simply throws them aside. And he's strong, and he doesn't necessarily look where he's throwing. In our house, everyone has developed quick reflexes out of necessity.

So when the counselor said there was an incident with a rock, of course my first thought was that he had picked up a rock and when he was done with it he threw it and it hit someone. My heart sank. Our conversation went something like this:

Counselor: There was an incident with a rock today. An...

Me: (interupting) I'm sor..

Counselor: (continuing) Another kid threw a rock and it hit Bambam in the head.

Me: Oh thank goodness!

Counselor: stunned silence

Me: laughing

Counselor: more stunned silence, probably thinking I'm insane

I was so relieved that Bambam hadn't hurt another kid. The laugh was probably inappropriate, but is was a relfex. And seriously, after 3 boys if it doesn't involve blood, guts, or vomit; I'm sure he is fine. Perhaps I should add broken bones to that list....we've done that on several occasions too.

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