My Side of Typical

My Side of Typical

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Some days I just can't do it. I'm not sure why. Either I'm exhausted, or not feeling well, or stressed more than usual, or overwhelved, or simply drained, or...or...or. I'm not sure the reason matters, but somedays I just can't be the mom I should be. I want to lock myself in my bedroom and ignore the world outside. It doesn't happen very often. But once in a while I just need time to decompress, refuel, a mental health day off. Parenting a special needs child is demanding, a 24 7 job. And every once in a while I need a few hours off...or maybe a  whole day.

When Miracle Boy was 6 months old, his dad left. There is a whole long story there, but it has nothing to do with this so we'll leave it in the past. For the next 7 years, I was a single parent. And there were times when that was really tough. But honestly, it was nothing compared to parenting a special needs child. I simply cannot imagine being a single parent of a special needs child. I'm so thankful for all the support I have.

Even with all the great support I have, there are some days I just can't do it. I can't repeat my part of the same script for the 82nd time that day, or watch the same airplane video over and over and over and over.... Or, change the pull ups on my 7 year old. Some days I just need a break.

And I try not to feel too guilty for it.

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